Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Sorsogon: The Land of the Whale Sharks

It was a warm Maunday Thursday evening when I, together with my 15 other friends finally rode a van for a road trip going to “The Whale Shark Capital of the Philippines”. I was very excited to see Mt. Bulusan and the pink sands of Matnog Island. I am also eagerly awaiting for the once in a lifetime opportunity to swim together with the butandings of Donsol. As always, I enjoyed that kind of feeling when I am inside a car zooming in through those long highways going to destinations- God knows where. I was just a bit worried as our trip was taking longer than expected. We were told that the entire trip would take us 15 long hours! And I was able to let a sigh of relief the next day when I saw a banner welcoming us to Sorsogon. Finally!!!


We immediately went to the famous Irosin Hot Spring. Nothing beat this type of relaxation after a 15 hours car ride. I cannot really remember how hot the pools were. Basta ang sarap lang maligo! The place is being surrounded by calming lush green sceneries and the mumbled sounds of crickets and frogs in the background. The experience certainly helped relax us weary travelers.


On our second day, we went to one of Sorsogon’s priced natural treasure, The Bulusan Volcano Natural Park. It boasts 3,673 hectares of rain forest thriving with various species of flora and fauna. There were different points of interest here such as Mount Bulusan, Lake Aguingay, and our main destination for the day, Lake Bulusan. The area was so serene and the view was just breathtaking. It was a communion with Mother Nature. Looking at the entire lake with the mountainscape and the lush vegetation on the backdrop, I cannot help but feel a bit proud. Ang ganda talaga ng Pilipinas!


One of the highlights of this trip is seeing and interacting with the gentle giants of the sea- the Butandings of Donsol. I realized that I had been skipping back and forth (because of excitement) while we waited for our boats. And I am also extremely nervous! I just don’t know what to expect. The staff said that there are times where in the guests went home empty handed. I mean, no whale shark sighting the entire day. However, my friends were very positive about the whale thing. And we’ve gotten lucky so far. The weather, which has been of rainy sort for the past few days, has switched to brilliant sunshine. After 15 minutes boat ride….there goes the sighting.


The butanding’s swam very close to the surface of the water. Gear on, we lined up at the side of the boat, ready to jump. The moment the guide said “jump”, everyone dove in the water. Chaos ensued. I t was a flurry of flippers and bubbles and neon life jackets as everyone tried to get close to the butandings. I searched the deep green water frantically, trying to find it, but couldn’t. Where is it??

There it was! This dark figure with a number of spots on its body, moving through the water. It was really HUGE! I was taken aback by its size and I was so afraid when I realized that I was just an inch away from its massive mouth. Scary! However, it was still a magnificent, graceful creation. I tried my best several times to swim after it, but it was also unexpectedly fast. And then, as quickly as I saw it- it was gone. All in all, I was able to see seven butandings in just an hour. I feel so lucky.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Strawberry Avalanche in La Trinidad

One of the most memorable trips I embarked upon is an unplanned Cordillera Region week long adventure last 2011. I, together with my then three co-workers from St. Luke’s, decided to explore the cold and foggy roads of Banaue, Sagada, Benguet and Baguio. Looking back, I was very happy that I was able to go with that trip because I gained lifelong friends. I miss you Ma’am Friz Lim, Ma’am Faith Palines and Ma’am June Alawas. I will start this Cordillera Region Series with La Trinidad’s Strawberry Farm.


Situated about three kilometers from Baguio City is La Trinidad Valley. La Trinidad is located 1,300 meter above sea level which explains the cool temperature in the valley- just perfect for growing strawberries all year long. The quaint little town is also very famous throughout the country as the Strawberry Capital of the Philippines.


Strawberries are heart shaped but these sweet little fellows are heartless. They are sinful temptations lying on the ground, taunting you to pick them at a certain cost. They will urge you to touch and pluck them from their frail branches even when you already have a basketful (and you know it is all you can afford). Tsk, tsk. These little things remind me of tragic love stories. Kahit saan talaga, may #hugot at may #pafall,hehehe .


Nevertheless, just like an unforgettable love stories, an affair with strawberries can be highly rewarding and satisfying. The experience of having to pick the strawberries yourselves is pure magic. I mean they just taste much, much better if you put an effort of harvesting them. And it’s not every day that we see strawberry plant- so an experience like this is a breath of fresh air…refreshing. I have been to the famous strawberry fields in Lembang and Bandung, Indonesia but our strawberries are the sweetest, the biggest and they’re more picture perfect!

Strawberry picking in La Trinidad, Benguet is always one of the best thing to do when you plan to have your vacation here in Baguio. I did it a lot of times already but the magic and spark’s still there every time.


Monday, May 23, 2016

Bucket List: Indonesia’s Mt. Tangkuban Perahu

I am able to release all my angst and stress these days by recalling wonderful experiences from my past travels. It is really a hectic and tiring day. I mean, I have to get up very early in the morning and ride a cab going to St. Luke’s Library and stay there until closing time. Well, I am not really complaining because I am preparing for something big. And hey, I know MORE today than I did yesterday and I guess that’s all that really matters. So much for this melodramatic moment (I blame the rain dripping through the glass window tonight, hahaha). I want to tell you about my unforgettable experience in Indonesia’s famous natural geological wonder, Mt. Tangkuban Perahu.


I will start this blog entry with a very well known legend in Bandung, Indonesia (the province where Mt. Tangkuban Perahu is located). The story tells of Dayang Sumbi, a beautiful woman who lived in West Java. She cast away her own son, Sangkuriang- for disobedience, and in great sadness, she was granted the power of eternal youth by the Gods. After many years in exile, Sangkuriang decided to return to his home, long after the two had forgotten and failed to recognize each other. Sangkuriang fell in love with Dayang Sumbi and of course, he planned to marry her, only for Dayang Sumbi to recognize his birthmark as he was about to go hunting. In order to prevent the marriage from taking place, Dayang Sumbi asked Sangkuriang to build a dam on the River Citarum and to build a large boat to cross the river, both before the sunrise. Sangkuriang summoned mythical ogre-like creature, Ijo- to do his bidding. Dayang sumbi saw that the tasks were almost completed and called on her workers to spread red clothes east of the city, to give the impression of impending sunrise. Sangkuriang was fooled, and upon believing that he had failed, kicked the dam and the finished boat in severe flooding and the creation of the Tangkuban Perahu from the hull of the boat.


You see folks; Tangkuban Perahu translates roughly to “upturned boat” in Sundanese language. And we were very lucky to see and climb its crater. It is located in Bandong, a city in Indonesia known for its very cool climate throughout the year. It is an active volcano with three active craters, namely- Kawah Ratu, Kawa Domas and Kawa Upas. There are many hot geysers around the area. Standing at the crater, you will see the volcanic smoke and smell the sulfur materials coming from the volcanic vents. Standing in its crater is a one-of-a-kind and once in a lifetime experience.

Bandung is 2 to 3 hours drive from Jakarta…and the roads going up the crater of Mt. Tangkuban Perahu is steep but I tell you guys, it’s all worth it. Word of advice: when you travel, do not settle for what is conventional and comfortable, instead get lost, trod the road less traveled and push yourself to the limits.  After all, we travel not to escape life but for life to not escape us.


Sunday, May 22, 2016

Bucket List: China's Avatar Mountain


It’s been a long time since my last blog entry. So many things had happened. I graduated from a 6 years Residency and Fellowship Training; I’ve been blessed to visit five more countries in a span of just 6 months (will try to tell you wonderful stories about those travels very soon); and I am currently reviewing for my Medical Oncology Diplomate Exam while handling my very FIRST private patient. I am actually in my contemplative self when I decided to write an entry on this blog. Despite all the challenges and tribulations, God has been so good for letting me grow up and for allowing me to develop this unquenchable thirst for life. 

Last August, I have been very lucky to visit one of the most beautiful places in Southern China, in an all-expense-free 3 days trip. A shout out to my dearest friend/big sister Ma'am Jannel De Castro Villanueva. Thank you so much for making this trip happen Ma'am. I am forever grateful. I never imagined that I will be able to see this magnificent natural geological wonder. It was so surreal! 

So stunning it is that it became the backdrop of James Cameron’s Avatar- the highest grossing movie of all time.


The Zhangjiajie National Forest Park covers 4,810 hectares of land. The Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Area is just one of the four zones declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site (1992) and a UNESCO Global Geopark (2004).


Try as I could, I was not able to stop gasping as the scenes unfold before my eyes. The gigantic columns towered above the tapestry of greens and cut through a thin sheet of mists is spectacular. The grey cloud hovered overhead threatening to piss is breathtaking. I realized that when you are standing high and these magical cliffs are at your eye level, there was no point of looking up or looking down. So beautiful it is that I was even crying while marveling these amazing creations.


There are just so many things and surreal about Zhangjaijie. Standing above the sea of fluffy clouds rolling majestically among the towering limestone cliffs is undeniably one of those rare sights that leave an imprint on the heart. It is a kind of experience that changes your life and makes you believe in God.